The Doctors

Dr Edward Garrett  MA BChir  MRCGP  MRCS  DCH DRCOG

GP Partner


Studied medicine at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge University, 1992-97. 

Initially worked in junior surgical posts in East Anglia and Belfast, passing the MRCS (Eng) in 2001.  Then saw the light and decided to become a GP, so completed further training in Bedford and Chelmsford, passing the MRCGP in 2003.


Dr Christopher Mitchell  MB BS  BSc  MRCGP  DRCOG

GP Partner

Studied medicine at Guys & St Thomas’ Hospital, 1998 – 2004.  Was a GP Registrar in Chislehurst & joined Brewer Street Surgery in December 2002

Dr Dianne Gilmore  MB BCh  DCH  MRCGP  DFFP

GP Partner

Born in Mid Wales, trained in Cardiff at University of Wales College of Medicine. Qualified in 1994.  Moved to Kent in 1999. Special interest in women's health and contracept

Salaried GPs

We have three salaried GP that are available between Monday to Wednesday, Dr Moumita Purkayastha, Dr Annie Keeley and Dr Aasish Thapa.